Miss Grand Int´l 2020: the Press Conference at Bangkok´s City Hall
With 60 of the 63 candidates already free from their quarantine period, the Miss Grand International Press Conference took place on the morning of Friday, March 19. The event was held at the Bangkok City Hall and all the candidates were finally able to go to the microphone and say "Miss Grand ... and the name of their countries". Broadcast live by GrandTV on YouTube, the event was watched by more than 150,000 people worldwide.
The vast majority of the candidates presented themselves in nightgowns, some of which spectacular, but more suitable for evening events. Fashion experts we have inquired believe that the two candidates who dressed the most appropriately, considering the time of the event (morning) and aspects that refer to the fashion and culture of their respective countries, were Kenya, Irene Ng’endo, and Laos, Patthana Khidaphone.
Representatives from Kenya and Nigeria spoke about the excellent and quick treatment they received when they were diagnosed with the coronavirus and thanked the organization, happy to have had their recovery and the opportunity to continue in the dispute. Miss Kenya made the audience emotional when talking about her late grandmother, one of the so many victims of this terrible virus.
Mr. Nawat Itsaragrisil, president of Miss Grand International, affirmed that he decided to hold the contest now because the world needs to move forward also in difficult times. He compared the coronavirus pandemic to a third world war, once all countries in the world were affected. Itsaragrisil made a point of stressing that Thailand is a safe country for tourism, which has been taking all the necessary precautions to receive visitors.
Valentina Figuera, Miss Grand International 2019, spoke about a great year of reigning and all the opportunities the title offered her. She also said that she feels happy knowing that she will always be part of the Miss Grand International family.
This Friday the MGI contestants have also been welcomed at the Lady Audrey headquarters, where they had lunch and learned about their high-quality products, all made out of rice. To end the day, they had some relaxing moments at Ong Ang Walking Street, an opened-door space where visitors can find great food and shopping. It is one of the new tourist attractions of Bangkok.
The “Best in Swimsuit” competition will happen on Saturday, 9:30 AM, Bangkok time. Watch it live on the GrandTV.
Photos Miss Grand International
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