Who will be Miss Brazil Be Emotion (Universe) 2018?
On Saturday, May 26th, 26 state representatives plus a delegate from the Federal District (Brasília), will compete for the right to represent Brazil in Miss Universe in the year that the South American country completes 50 years without winning this international title.
Who will take the crown? This is what we believe will happen:
- The Long Shots
We see the candidates from Acre, Alagoas, Amapá, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Roraima, Sergipe and Tocantins as this year´s "long shots", which means, most of them should not advance to the Top 15. However, as in any beauty contest, there should be surprises and at least a couple of them could go on. In such case, we would bet on Rio de Janeiro (hometown girl), Sergipe and/or Goiás.
- Top 15
15. Maranhão - Lorena Bessani (8.136)
Maranhão, not a traditional power in Brazilian pageants, has been growing in recent years, collecting some interesting results: in 2016, for instance, it reached its best position ever, 2nd runner-up. Lorena has a fair chance to keep the streak going, but top 15 should be her limit.
14. Paraná, Deise Caroline (8.140)
Although Miss Paraná has some experience as an international model, she did not stand up as most of her predecessors. We expect her to have a place among the 15 quarter-finalists, but nothing further than that.
13. Ceará, Teresa Santos (8.333)
Teresa has quite a few fans among Brazilian pageant followers, however, we don´t see her as a major front-runner. Don´t be surprised if she reaches the Top 10, though.
12. Mato Grosso, Caroline Back (8.360)
Mato Grosso was unnoticed for a while, but started gaining some ground during the final days of competition. She entered our Top 15 list at the last minute! She could be a pleasant surprise.
11. Paraíba, Ana Carla Medeiros (8.617)
Another fan favorite, although undeniably beautiful, we don´t see Paraíba on a major position this year. Who follows her IG stories saw that at some moments she complained about being tired and not being able to respond to her fans´messages. We just don´t see it as the proper attitude for someone who wants to be Miss Brazil Universe.
- Top 10
10. Minas Gerias, Elis Miele (8.850)
A very strong Brazilian pageant powerhouse, the state Minas Gerais has sent some not very competitive candidates to Miss Brazil in recent years. In 2018 it looks like it´s back on track with the very lovely Elis Miele. She has a stunning face, but during the days preceding the final event, she did not come across as strong and confident as expected. However, Miss Minas could be keeping her best moves for when it matters the most. Eye on her!
9. Piauí, Naiely Lima (8.888)
Up to last year, when Monalisa Alcântara won the Miss Brazil Universe title, the state of Piauí had never had a Top 5 finalist! Now it sends another competitive contender, Naiely Lima, who we believe will be in the Top 10. We like this tall stunner lot!
8. Rio Grande do Sul, Leonora Weimer (8.970)
No other state has won some many Miss Brazil Universe titles as Rio Grande do Sul (including Miss Universe 1963). Had Sancler Frantz been elected in Brazil´s southernmost state earlier this year, we are sure that she could be the next Gaucha (natives of Rio Grande do Sul) winner. However, Leonora was the surprising winner there, and a big question mark surrounds her participation and chances in Miss Brazil Universe 2018. The most beautiful blonde competing this year, Leonora is quite elegant and intelligent, but she totally lacks in charisma and stage presence. How far will she go?
7. Distrito Federal, Biah Rodrigues (9.177)
For some pageant observers, Brasília has a strong chance to win its 2nd national title (Universe). We agree that Biah is among the most beautiful contestants this year, but there´s something the might be lacking there. Spontaneity maybe? One way or the other, she´s strong and a major contender for the title.
6. São Paulo, Paula Palhares (9.260)
This Selena Gomez´ lookalike is one of the youngest candidates around, and a very lovely one. With a teen vibe, Paula is refreshing and very elegant. In her state pageant she won despite choking when answering her final question. Here she cannot make such mistake. São Paulo could easily land in the Top 5, let´s not lose sight of her.
- Top 5
5. Bahia, Maria Isabel (9.310)
We absolutely love Miss Bahia´s beauty, amazing aura and perfect skin! What we question is: can she handle the pressure when taking the mic on her hands? On videos, and based on the opinions of those who met her, she comes across a bit shy and too reserved, which could play both ways. Depending on how confident she appears to the judges, she could even win it all!
4. Rio Grande do Norte, Monique Rêgo (9.402)
It´s easy to picture statuesque Monique in any fashion week runway! Tall, tanned, beautiful, we are looking at a clear front-runner here. The question is: will the judges she her as a potential Miss Brazil Universe, or as a superb supermodel?
3. Amazonas, Mayra Dias (9.440)
In 2015, Mayra competed in Miss Brazil World and stopped in the Top 20. In 2016, she competed in Hispanic-American Queen, in Bolivia, and placed 3rd. Very determined, Mayra has been improving year after year, and now she has a big shot at becoming the next Miss Brazil Universe, something the state of Amazonas accomplished only once, in a very distant 1957. Like Miss Bahia, it will all depend on how well she does when the time for interviews come. We love her!
2. Pernambuco, Eslovênia Marques (9.589)
Her name is Eslovênia, which in English means Slovenia. She told us that her dad´s original idea was to name her Bosnia & Herzogovina, but mom convinced him to go with Eslovênia! Funny, smart, congenial, beautiful! Much more beautiful than how she appears on photos (trust us!). She won the preliminary "speech challenge", voted by her fellow contestants. Perhaps for the fact that she´s not very photogenic, most Brazilian fans don´t have Pernambuco on the top of their lists. We believe it´s a mistake. Eslovênia will fight for the title. Mark our words!
MISS BRAZIL BE EMOTION 2018 - Santa Catarina, Débora Silva (9.715)
Based on physical attributes alone, we believe that Débora Silva is THE CANDIDATE who could easily win in Brazil and fight for the Miss Universe title! With her extraordinary blue eyes, stunning smile and easy going personality, Débora has proved to be "the one to beat". Only a fatal mistake during the Q&A portion could prevent her from winning. That is: if Brazil wants to end a 50-year-long drought and win the coveted Miss Universe title!
What can you expect from the show?
- The pageant will pay tribute to Martha Vascocellos, the stunning Baiana with green eyes who conquered the Miss Universe title 50 years ago.
- For a change, each of the 27 delegates could take the evening gown she will be competing in on stage. It´s a great change and will show more of each delegate´s taste, personality and elegance.
- Nathália Guimarães, vice-Miss Universe 2007, is one of the judges.
- The winner will receive the pageant´s new crown, a creation of Daniela Tannus Jóias.
- You can see all the candidates and vote for your favorite HERE.
- There will be a live webcast on Miss Brazil Be Emotion´s Facebook Page, on Saturday, May 26th, 10:30 PM, Brasília time.
Best of luck to all!!