Miss Grand International´20: candidates receive their first remote challenge
The 60 Miss Grand International 2020 delegates who have already made it to Thailand, received their first remote challenge from the pageant organizers on Monday, March 1st. In their hotel rooms, and using their own smartphones, the delegates must create a 1-minute-long introduction video. When recording it, they must wear their official country´s sash.
The videos will be posted on MGI´s Facebook page and on its YouTube channel, however, votes will take place on the Grand TV channel only (click HERE and subscribe now). Fans must subscribe to the channel and “like” their favorite candidates´ videos.
Valentina Figuera, Miss Grand International 2020, stands next to Mr. Nawat Itsaragrisil wearing a beautiful Thai costume, in an event held in Chiang Mai, last year.
The 15 winners of this VDO challenge, named “How to know you in 1-minute content”, will get the opportunity to wear and be photographed in stunning and colorful Thai costumes.
10 of them will be the best-voted videos (Top 10) on YouTube. The other 5 will be randomly chosen from drawing, an action MGI organizers named “Lucky door”.
The contestants have until March 2nd, Tuesday, to produce and turn their videos in.
Best of luck to all!