Grand Slam Ranking and Country of the Year 1979
Reviewing the Grand Slam Ranking evolution in the past 10 years, the USA remained in a very solid first position, followed by the United Kingdom in 2nd place. Brazil was new to the podium, in 3rd place, replacing Sweden, which had ended the 1960s in 3rd place.
Australia, 8th place (20th in 1969), and Philippines, 10th place (18th in 1969), were the two newcomers to the Top 10, the powerhouses of Grand Slam beauty pageants. They´ve replaced France, 11th (7th in 1969), and Greece, 19th (10th in 1969).
Spain had an excellent decade, having moved from 32nd place in 1969 to 14th in 1979 (+18).
Other great movers in the Top 50 from 1969 to 1979 were Puerto Rico, 27th (+49), Ireland, 28th (+21), Lebanon, 37th (+26), Wales, 40th (+10); Bermuda 43rd (+44); Trinidad & Tobago 45th (+45); and Scotland, 47th (+13).
Thirty-two new countries and territories joined at least one of the three Grand Slam pageants in the 1970s.
The biggest fall of the decade went to Morocco, having lost 19 positions, going from 62nd to 81st place. Bolivia (78th) came next, at -17.
The Top 20 in the three Grand Slam pageants by the conclusion of 1979 were:
Miss World Ranking in 1979 (Top 20): 1-UK; 2-United States; 3-Sweden; 4-South Africa; 5-France; 6-Germany; 7-Australia; 8-Israel; 9-Jamaica; 10-Argentina; 11-Finland; 12-Netherlands; 13-Brazil; 14-Denmark; 15-Austria; 16-Venezuela; 17-India; 18-Greece; 19-Peru; 20-New Zealand.
Miss Universe Ranking in 1979 (Top 20): 1-United States; 2-Brazil; 3-Sweden; 4-Finland; 5-Israel; 6-England / UK; 7-Germany; 8-Japan; 9-Colombia; 10-Philippines; 11-Argentina; 12-Venezuela; 13-Greece; 14-Australia; 15-Spain; 16-Peru; 17-France; 18-Norway; 18-South Africa; 19-Italy; 20-Austria.
Miss International Ranking in 1979 (Top 20): 1-United States; 2-Philippines; 3-England / UK; 4-Finland; 5-Brazil; 6-Germany; 7-Australia; 8-Japan; 9-Iceland; 10-Argentina; 11-Spain; 12-Colombia; 13-New Zealand; 14-Netherlands; 15-France; 16-Israel; 17-Yugoslavia; 18-India; 19-Sweden; 20-Thailand.
Whatever your definition of beauty may be, the truth is that beauty can be found anywhere! Gina Swainson, 21, a student of Winery for Hamilton, Bermuda, in 1979 placed 2nd in @missuniverse and then went on to win the Miss World title! Bermuda, a British Overseas Territory located in the North Atlantic Ocean (not in the Caribbean, as many believe), population 54,000 (in 1979), was the Country of the Year 1979. Truly, what were the odds? We would say that this is the magic of beauty pageants, a winner can hail from virtually anywhere! Bermudians were so proud of Gina's accomplishments, that she even ended up in a series of commemorative stamps! Bermuda has today the highest HDI score in the world: 0.981. Gina Swainson was indeed a perfect beauty produced by a perfect land.
Venezuela came 2nd after its historic Miss Universe history, followed by the Philippines, who won its 3rd Miss International crown that year.
1) Bermuda (4250 points);
2) Venezuela (3002);
3) Philippines (2752).
Top 5: UK (2351) and USA (2150).