Miss Supranational 2018: A trip to Wroclaw
As the last week for the finale is approaching, the organisers took out some time and scheduled a trip to Wroclaw for all the Suprasisters. As the contestants reached Wroclaw, they took a trip to the Wroclaw Aquarium. They had never been so happy and cheerful as they witnessed the soothing aura of the aquarium. The girls were in love with all sorts of exotic fishes and animals as it created a genuine sense of wonder for them. Some of the creatures were so beautiful, some of them very ugly, and all of them had this enchanted way of living their life in these tanks, seamlessly swimming and floating in their captured world.
Surely for all the contestants, there was something immeasurably enchanting about watching these creatures – some so unrecognizable from anything around us. As the contestants left the aquarium and proceeded for the further trip, there was definitely something so soothing and blissful which they were taking back with them.
Later, the contestants and the crew headed to the Toya Golf Restaurant, where they had some delicious food followed by some crazy golf moves. It was funny as some contestants were playing Golf for the first time but everyone had a great time and suddenly there was a sporty enthusiasm created amongst all the contestants.
The trip was further followed to Wroclavia Mall in Wroclaw, where the girls spent their night shopping, which was further continued at the Christmas Market in the same city. The tiring shopping was followed by a delecious dinner hosted by Mieszane Uczucia. Surely they had a fun time amidst these hectic rehearsals and tight schedule as the preparations are pacing up for the finale.
(Author: Charudatta Kale)