Miss World 2018: Week 1 Recap (Part 3)
By GB’s Special Correspondent Albin B!
All of this has given us a chance to see almost all the girls (a few are yet to arrive, including one of our early favorites, the beautiful Miss Algeria) and form some early impressions. First of all, I have to say that this is one of the most even batches of Miss World I have ever seen, with no real obvious front runners or laggards. Unlike in 2014 when it was obviously Rolene Strauss' crown to lose or even last year when very early, India, Mexico, Russia and France started to pull away from the pack, this year's contest is quite even, particularly because some of the less physically impactful girls elevate their candidacy with excellent credentials for the contest. Nevertheless, a few have certainly caught our eye.
Miss Uganda showed up looking very strong
First of all, hello, Miss Uganda!! Late to the party but can we just say, she BROUGHT the party. I hope this baby Naomi Campbell delights as much with her personality because I am personally ready for the first East African Miss World! Miss Tanzania caught a lot of eyes when she won her national contest and she does not disappoint here, although she is not standing out quite as much as she could. Still, I see a little Sushmita Sen sparkle in her and I can't wait to see more! While we are on the topic of tall girls, hello Senegal! With her statuesque frame and stunning complexion, this is one girl I will be watching closely in the Top Model contest. Sierra Leone was one of my favorites and she looks gorgeous but she has to find a way to make her presence felt more! Egypt also has caught my eye. I am not sure that she is the Miss World type but she certainly has made her presence felt. I can't wait for the Amal Clooney-esque Miss Algeria to join and really complete the roster on what I think is the strongest continent this year at Miss World. I'm also really excited that a new set of contenders
France and Tanzania are two early favorites
Moving north to Europe, front runner Miss France arrived like a queen and has slipped easily into her role. I was worried that Maeva would be exhausted and lackluster after a long year as the Miss France winner, but she seems ready and aware of what it will take to win. Italy has a statuesque presence that registers well in photos and her inclusion in the BWP ceremony was a healthy sign. How can I forget gorgeous Misses Belarus, Kazakhstan and Austria? Beauty wise, they are near the top of the league, but like Sierra Leone, they need to amp up their presence. The first fight in pageants is about being noticed! Still, there is no denying their beauty. Speaking of beauty and presence, gorgeous Miss Slovakia Dominika Grecova has both in ample measure, but what she needs to do is to get her styling right. And eye on Misses England and Wales, who both have beauty to spare and have strong results in Miss World in recent years.
Austria has made a positive impression!
To me, after Africa, Asia is the strongest continent mostly because the girls are very complete contestants. Korea and Vietnam both created an incredibly strong early impression with their beautiful faces and slim figures. However, they have faded a bit since then. Miss World is a marathon, and unlike in Miss Universe, where you have 30 seconds to make your case, in Miss World, consistency and stamina is key. Time to pull your socks up, girls! Conversely, India arrived looking a bit tired but has started to hit her groove. I'm also going to keep a strong eye on Miss Nepal, who has been perfect so far, making everything look easy. Shrinkala is well prepared and well spoken in addition to being beautiful, and I am delighted that she is looking confident. Asia has many more girls who I expect will start shining as the Fast Tracks progress, including Miss Japan. And strong fan support is sure to elevate elegant and well prepared Misses Philippines, Thailand and Myanmar when it matters.
Miss Nepal (right) has been a lovely surprise
Chile (2nd from the left) is one to watch
In the Americas, early favorite Chile captured many hearts when she arrived, and she brings a charming personality to balance her looks. What Chile needs to do to cement her potential as a crown contender is be consistent. This is where girls who have stronger national teams to help them prepare have an advantage. Fortunately, this is Miss World, where lack of polish is not a liability as many recent winners have shown! Looking beyond Anahi, one girl who has captured my interest is Jasmine Pinto, Miss Bolivia! What a gorgeous face, and she seems super well prepared! Bolivia hasn't placed for 15 years, and I hope that changes this year! Another pleasant surprise has been Miss Canada, who has used her experience at Miss Supranational to her advantage and has come across as very polished, focused and sincere. That is a dynamite combination at Miss World! Eye on this girl! Personally, I'm also waiting to see more of what Miss Mexico Vanessa Ponce has to show us - she's a personal favorite.
Keep an eye on Trinidad and Tobago!
Canada (in blue dress)
In the Caribbean, the first week for me has been all about Miss Trinidad & Tobago. Ysabel Bisnauth has a degree from Oxford and a passion for human rights. Despite her credentials, I wasn't entirely convinced when she won her national crown, but she has really worked hard on her fitness and styling and has been shining since she set foot in China. Jamaica and Guadeloupe are also very strong and have looked stunning since setting foot in China.
New Zealand is very consistent
Finally, in Oceania, Cook Islands, Australia and New Zealand have all made a very strong first impression. Australia in particular, has dazzled with her beautiful face this first week, and I think we will continue to see more of her as the competition progresses.
Netherlands, Norway and Armenia having a great time
But this is just the beginning - and all that has factored into my impressions so far is a first impact based on looks. This of course is really important, but the coming week is going to test two more critical aspects - as the Head to Head Fast Track airs, we will get a better understanding of who has charm, eloquence and personality. And on the 17th and 18th, when the Top Model competition takes place, we will see who has stage presence!
After the Top Model Fast Track, the contestants will be presented to the public in a float parade and in a series of charity focused activities before the contest moves to Haikou where the official Opening Ceremony of Miss World 2018 will take place. Following a few more days of sightseeing and parades, the Miss World Talent Show on the 27th will conclude the trip to Haikou. Thereafter the girls will return to Sanya for the Sports Fast Track will be conducted on the 29th and 30th before rehearsals begin in earnest for the finale! It's an action packed Miss World and we will continue to bring you the updates!