MGI 2022: Super 11 is updated after the preliminary interviews

For the first time, Global Beauties´ judges also had access to the preliminary interviews, and most of their lists presented some important changes. Here is our updated list of Miss Grand International 2022 favorites, with their combined votes!

In the Top 5 (in alphabetical order):


Top 11 (in alphabetical order)


Very close: Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Peru, and Myanmar.

Meet our judges:

Marjukka Niemenen (Finland) - With a fantastic eye for beautiful and some colorful writing, Marjukka is a GB commentator and judge since the very beginning, in 1998!

Sally-Ann Fawcett (United Kingdom) - Pageant-related writer and historian, Sally-Ann has been an avid beauty pageant fan and observer since she was a child!

Krit Prachanukul (Thailand) - He was a MGI choreographer in its first years and has been following it from a close distance ever since. Krit is about to launch his own men´s international competition: The Man!

Nick C (Türkiye) - This university professor and pageant analyst has been a GB contributor with his fantastic writing and strong, honest opinions, since 2004.

Rafa Delfin (USA / Philippines) - The man who´s not afraid to say what he thinks, Rafa is the content creator and editor of @criticalbeautyofficial

Hector Joaquin (Puerto Rico) - Pageant presenter, coach and commentator, Hector is also an actor from Puerto Rico.

Andry Febrianto (Indonesia) - Andry runs the popular @bunda.latinas IG account, always keeping the world updated on Indonesia and international pageantry with much talent and class.

Antonio Rivadeneira (Ecuador) - A pageant observer from Ecuador who lives in Canada, Tony´s comments are usually spot-on and unbiased. He´s debuting as a GB judge, welcome!

Julio Rodriguez (Venezuela) - Julio is a renowned pageant historian and commentator from Venezuela who´s currently writing the history of Miss World like no one has done it before!

Kike Sanchez (Peru) - You can spot him year after year covering Miss Grand International, always following the action from a close distance, with full enthusiasm!

Edwin Dominguez (Panama) - Last, but not least, former GB partner and pageant producer (Miss World Panama), the man who covered Miss Grand International in its first years and understands like few what MGI looks for in a winner.

The 10th Miss Grand International will be elected on October 25th, in Jakarta.

How the judging works: Each judge is required to send us her/his winner (3 points), the other four women in the Top 5 (2 points each), and their remaining 5 favorites in the Top 10 (1 point each). The 10 best-ranked candidates + 1 pick from GB´s editor, make the Top 11 list. The judges receive the complete voting sheet after each round, making everything very clear.