Miss Grand Int´l 2020: thai cuisine lessons, shopping and a special dinner with the president marked the 2nd day
Miss Grand International 2020 candidates in front of the Blue Elephant restaurant, in Bangkok, Thailand.
The second day of activities at Miss Grand International was intense, but “relaxing” at the same time. For candidates recently released from the quarantine, such as the USA, Evelyn Abena Appiah, Panama, Angie Keith, and El Salvador, Luciana Martinez Cienfuegos, it was time for official photos in locations close to the hotel.
In the morning, the candidates who won one of the challenges that happened during the quarantine were taken to the Blue Elephant restaurant for a cooking class with their renowned chefs. A little later, the rest of the candidates joined them for a lunch entitled to a special and delicious menu, with emphasis on famous local dishes. It was another opportunity for interaction between the young women hailing from all over the world.
In the afternoon, the candidates were taken to a shopping mall and made the most of their free time!
Angela Leon Yuriar (Mexico), Hann Lay (Myanmar), Samantha Bernardo (Philippines), Aurra Kharishma (Indonesia), and Sonia Luna (Ecuador), joined the presidents and the queen for a special dinner (photo: Miss Grand International).
When night came, the five winners of the first quarantine challenge and voting were honored to have dinner with Nawat Itsaragrisil, president of MGI, Teresa Chaivisut, vice president of the contest, and Valentina Figuera, Miss Grand International 2019. The event was broadcast live and can be viewed HERE.
The other candidates rehearsed with the choreographer.
Photo gallery (Global Beauties / Henrique Fontes):
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