Grand Slam Ranking and Country of the Year 1988
101 Papua New Guinea; 102 British Virgin Islands; 103 The Gambia; 103 Isle of Man; 105 Jordan; 105 Reunion; 107 Jersey; 108 Saint Kitts & Nevis; 108 Saint Vincent & the Grenadines; 110 Cook Islands; 110 Guadeloupe; 110 Okinawa; 110 West Indies; 114 Madagascar; 114 Martinique; 114 Myanmar; 117 American Samoa; 117 Bonaire; 117 Lesotho; 117 Namibia; 117 Saint Maarten; 117 Transkei; 117 Uganda; 124 Antigua & Barbuda; 124 Botswana; 124 Cote d´Ivoire; 124 French Guyana; 124 Macau; 124 Senegal; 124 Syria; 131 Bulgaria; 131 Dominica; 131 Fiji; 131 Greenland; 131 Guernsey; 131 Monaco; 131 New Caledonia; 131 Sierra Leone; 131 Tanzania; 131 Tonga; 141 Benin; 141 Bophuthatwana; 141 Borneo; 141 Iraq; 141 Micronesia; 141 South Pacific; 141 Vanuatu; 141 Zambia.
Iceland, the winner of Miss World 1988, made a huge move, going from 24th to 19th place in the Grand Slam Ranking (+5);
Our Country of the Year, Norway, has also gone a few notches up, going from 28th to 22nd place (+6). It was the biggest mover of the year!
Korea also had a sensational year, with runner-ups in Miss World and Miss Universe. The moved up from 38th to the 33rd position in the Grand Slam Ranking (+5);
Miss World Ranking in 1988 (Top 10): 1-UK; 2-United States; 3-Sweden; 4-Venezuela; 5-Germany; 6-Australia; 7-France; 8-Israel; 9-Jamaica; 10-Austria.
Miss Universe Ranking in 1988 (Top 10): 1-United States; 2-Sweden; 3-Brazil; 4-Venezuela; 5-Finland; 6-Germany; 7-England / UK; 8-Israel; 9-Colombia; 10-Philippines.
Miss International Ranking in 1988 (Top 10): 1-United States; 2-England / UK; 3-Philippines; 4-Australia; 5-Finland; 6-Brazil; 7-Spain; 8-Japan; 9-Germany; 10-Colombia.
In 1988 Norway had a superb pageant year! Catherine Alexandra Gude succeeded in Gifu, Japan, winning the Miss International crown and the first Grand Slam title for her country. In Miss World, with Rita Helene Paulsen, and in Miss Universe, with Bente Brunland, Norway reached the Top 10. It was enough for this Scandinavian nation to be named "Country of the Year"! 2nd place went also to a Nordic country: Iceland. Linda Pétursdóttir won the Miss World crown for the 2nd time for her country, in England and Spain. Iceland also placed in the Top 15 of Miss International.
Thailand, the Miss Universe winner, with Porntip Nakhirunkanok, was 3rd.
This is how the top nations of 1988 scored:
1) Norway - 3950 points.
2) Iceland - 3426.
3) Thailand - 3002.
Top 5: Korea (2925) and USA (2300).