GB Awards 2018: Miss World wins Best Interview Competition award

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Interviews have become more and more relevant in beauty pageants, so it´s no surprise to see Miss World bagging the Yulia in this category, after all, they take its interviews very seriously. The Head to Head Challenge is one of the greatest pageant innovation in recent times and during the final show, questions are often relevant, demanding brains and communication skills from the candidates. The Best Interview Award goes to Miss World in 2018, congratulations!

In 2018, instead of walking in bikinis (it was left for the Top 10), the Top 20 quarter-finalists got a chance to take the mic and say whatever they wanted. Miss Universe is always moving forward in terms of what they expect from a winner, therefore, placing 2nd in this category. Taking the bronze medal is Miss Grand International, with preliminary interviews, peach speech and the final question.

Miss International, the pioneer for the contestants´ speech competition, later copied or adapted by Miss Grand International and now Miss Universe, did a good job again, finishing 4th. Miss Supranational with its final Q&A portion for the Top 5, ended on the 5th position here.

WINNER: MISS WORLD - 71 points
2nd - Miss Universe - 70 points
3rd - Miss Grand International - 54 points

4th - Miss International - 41 points / 5th - Miss Supranational - 24 points

See how the judges voted (from number 1 to 5. 1st receives 12 points, 2nd - 7 points, 3rd - 4 points, 4th - 2 points, 5th - 1 point):

Vandercasteele - W I S G U
Bande - U G S W I
Fawcett - I U W G S
Palmero - W U G S I
Medel - W U G S I
Guiraldes - U G S W I
Rodriguez - G U W I S
Duarte - G W U I S
Isa - U I W G S
Maes - W I S G U

Our judges: Jean-Marie Vandercasteele from Belgium, Sifiso Bande from South Africa, Sally-Ann Fawcett from the UK, Paul Palmero from the Philippines, Jose “Pepe” Medel from Mexico, Ricardo Guiraldes from Chile, Julio Rodriguez from Venezuela, Rafael Duarte from Brazil, Richard Isa from Curaçao, Katia Maes from the Netherlands.