Miss Grand Slam 2017 Round 3: The Play-Offs
We started with 128 young women who represented their countries at the 5 Grand Slam pageants last year. 96 of them have been eliminated and we are now left with our top 32. They are all beautiful and deserving but the search for Global Beauties Miss Grand Slam 2017 will now intensify as we enter the next phase of the competition: the play-offs.
Special thanks to Lucas Nguyen!
How will it work?
The 32 remaining beauties will now be split into 16 pairs who will go head to head. Only 1 of each pair will move on to the fourth round and top 16. In this round, the judges' scores and the fan vote will each count for 50% of the total scores . And the woman with the highest total will advance to the next round.
DELEGATE A: Fan Vote 40% Judges' Vote: 30%
DELEGATE B: Fan Vote 60% Judges' Vote 70%
Delegate A will have 70 points and Delegate B 130 points, so Delegate B will advance to the top 16. Delegate A is eliminated.
How can you participate?
Step 1: Register an account at www.votemissgrandslam.com - when you register an account you get 1 vote!
Step 2: Vote! Choose a poll to vote in. For each head to head battle that is announced, we will add a vote to all the members' account.
Register today and help us find the next Miss Grand Slam!