Miss Grand United States 2017

On July 25, 2017, Taylor Leigh Kessler won the tittle Miss Grand United States. She is twenty one years old, currently on her junior year at Sam Houston State University, completing a double major in multi platform journalism and communications and minor in sign language. She plans on speaking for those who dont have a voice.

Taylor will now travel to Vietnam to compete in the 5th Miss Grand International finals on October 25th.

As well as open a line of dialog of understanding and respect as one of her ways to share her platform of stop the war and violence. One day she hopefully to uses the international title to further that campaign. She dreams, one day she will be to graduate with a master in communications and be able to become a sport sideline reporter.

During her free time she enjoys traveling and learning about other cultures, sports,being outdoors, spending time with friends and family, and volunteering at the SAAFE house and other shelters.