Miss Grand International 2017: First Impressions From Afar
Global Beauties' Miss Grand International 2017 coverage will be split into two parts this year: we have a team in Vietnam who are witnessing all the action and getting an insider's perspective of what's happening at the contest and then we also have an observer who is not in Vietnam to give us a different take on things. By doing so, we aim to bring you extensive and balanced coverage from two different perspectives. Fans who have attended pageants in real life will know that there is a huge difference between what you see at home and what you see at an actual contest. Both are equally important in the industry though, so we hope you enjoy the opinions of our "insider" and "outsider" . The following article contains some of the first thoughts of our outsider:
One of the highlights of any pageant is when the delegates start to arrive in the host city. After weeks of anticipation during the run-up to the pageant, the fans will then get to do what they love, see the competition start to take shape. Some favourites will maintain the hype around them, others will start to lose some ground and new favourites will emerge. Though being just an armchair observer/judge doesn't really give you a true reflection of what is happening at a pageant, it is what all of us fans love to do. I have been following the arrivals quite closely and here are some of my first thoughts based solely on the photos coming from the pageant.
All eyes are on Dea, of course, as she has the massive challenge of representing the nation of the outgoing title holder. I must say that Indonesia has done their homework. Dea is looking super prepared and ready for this challenge. I am sure that she will do her country proud.
Anukriti is looking absolutely incredible. She has come with a mission: to give India their first Miss Grand International title. Not only is she beautiful, but like a lot of delegates from her country, also well-spoken. I watched her send-off facebook live interview and she was radiant, positive and extremely charming. Keep an eye on her!
Yoana is somewhat of a pageant veteran having competed in Miss World 2013 and Miss International 2016 where she made the top 15. Her experience is showing and she is looking better than ever. I am excited about her chances at Miss Grand International.
Batuli is super cute and based solely on her arrival photos, she appears to be quite statuesque. This is only Tanzania's second appearance at Miss Grand International, but she could give them their first placement if she continues to shine. Not one delegate from Africa placed in the top 20 last year, but this year the African continent is being represented by a few girls who could change that.
Noky is a lovely surprise. I was positively impressed by her arrival photo. If she continues to look this fantastic and has stage presence and a strong interview, she could do really well in the competition.
Australia has done exceptionally well at Miss Grand International. In the last four years, they have taken home the big title (2015), two top 5 placements (2013, 2014) and a top 20 spot (2016). This year, the beautiful Kassandra Kashian will be flying the Aussie flag and she is doing her country very proud so far.
Puerto Rico is going through some terrible hardships at the moment due to the devastating effects of two hurricanes. We are sure that must be weighing heavily on Brenda's mind and she must want to put the spotlight on those in desperate need of support back home. She competed strongly at Miss Universe earlier this year and she will more than likely do the same here in Vietnam. She is looking great so far.
These are just some very early first impressions from afar. Things are bound to change over the course of the next few days as the competition heats up in Vietnam.
Stay tuned for our insider's thoughts and observations coming from where it's all happening at the moment...
All photos courtesy of the Miss Grand International Organization!